iNetwork Simulator

NETWORKING.--Ba maluk sira nebe iha interese liu-liu maluk estudante sira nebe foti Dep.Engenharia Informatica specialidade iha Redes (networking) no hakarak improve liu tan nia kunyesimentu ba redes ne rasik, iha neé hau hakrak fahe ituan software simulador kiik oan ida ba maluk sira atu bele ajuda kunyesimentu ba redes ne rasik. No mos ba maluk sira nebe hakrak no buka hatene saida mak redes, ho tools ida nee bele fasilita ita hodi hatene klean liu tan, oinsa no halo nusa mak rede ida bele funsiona?
iNetwork Simulator is a software tool that allows for the creating networks out of common networking devices. Furthermore the software allows for simulation of common network operations, identify problems and in general, learn about network communication concepts. The purpose of iNetwork Simulator is to provide an “interactive learning tool” and acts as a compliment to lecture materials and textebooks.
iNetwork hanesn simulador kiik oan ida nebe bele ajuda ita hodi aprende liu tan redes liu husi teoria no pratika. Karik maluk balu kunyese no uza tiha ona simulador boot seluk hanesn GNS3 , Cisco Packet Tracer, Boson NetSim no sira seluk tan, tools kiik oan neé bele ajuda ita boot sira hodi hatene servisu no funsionamentu redes nian, liu husi Pratica no Pergunta nebe iha tiha ona pakote neé.

Maibe simulador kiik oan neé prefere liu ba maluk estudante sira.

1. Download iha ne'e: Download
2. Extract file, depois executa iNetwork Simulator, no hili Help hodi halo tuir ezersisiu.
3. Sistema Operativu: 2000/XP/7 no 8
4. Rekerimentus: Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1


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