Bagatrix Solved 2013 Full version
Hanesan iha post anterior, aplikasaun matematika Bagatrix Solved! hanesan uniku aplikasaun/software nebe bele ajuda ita hodi rejolve problemas matematika komesa husi nivel baziku too ba iha avansadu. Iha nee hau hakrak fahe versaun foun Bagatrix Solved 2013-
Aplikasaun ne'e nia tamanho/size kiik tebes ba ita atu instala iha ita nia PC/Laptop maibe nia nivel atu rejolve problemas matematika efisiente tebes. Tanba bele hatudu paso ba paso husi problemas ne rasik.
No hanesan iha post anterior ita kolia tiha ona kona ba deskrisaun ba software nee rasik. Bele lee liu tan iha ne'e:
Related Article
Commercial software that features step-by-step solutions to user-entered problems, with prompting. Titles include: Solved! Studio (comprises Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra titles), Algebra Solved!, Pre-Algebra Solved!, Basic Math Solved!, Graphing Solved!, 3 Minute Challenge!, Equation Invasion!. The site's free online resources include algebra tutorials, a math glossary, an arithmetic challenge, and a unit conversion engine. See also Mathway, Bagatrix's JavaScript-powered graphical interface for solving problems in basic math, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus
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OS: Windows 7/8
Version: 2013
1. Unzip arkivu
2. Loke file Bagatrix Solved 2013
3. Labele loke lai
4. Kopia file Solved! ba iha diretorio/folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bagatrix Solved!
ou C:\Program Files\Bagatrix Solved!
5. Hein uja deit ona
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