Ola guys, iha ne'e hau atu fo tips oinsa oinsa atu aprende halimar organ iha PC ho software Sofeh Music Studio. Hanesan iha post seluk iha hau nia blog ne'e ita uza One Man Band ka OMB hodi halimar organ iha PC hodi uza style YAMAHA nian. Mas iha ne'e Music Studio nebe fornese husi SOFEH SUNRISE ne'e rasik halo dedikadu ba organ KORG nian, iha versaun cross-platform (Windows, Android, ho iOS).
Sofeh Music Studio hanesan software profesional aranjamentu musica/audio gratuita hodi bele toka hanesan keyboard normal, maibe uda ba komputador no toka uza keyboard. Karik belun sira uza ona versaun android nian a.k.a ORG2020, parese familiar ona ho interface Music Studio versaun PC nian.
Feature ba Music Studio nian mak iha kraik ne:
- Create, Play, and Edit Your Music
- Define Categories, Tracks, and Rhythms
- Create and Edit Virtual Instruments from Real Sounds and Tune it
- Import KORG Instruments
- Import SF2 Instruments
- Import KORG Pa Sets
- Combine 2 or more Instruments in Tracks and Make a New Sound
- Create and Edit Music Systems (1/4, 1/8, …)
- Connect Your MIDI Keyboard and Play or Record in Real-time
- Virtual Keyboard (Use PC Keyboard and Mouse)
- Make Multi-Song from single Song (Duplicate Track and Change Frequency)
- Import MIDI files, Change Instruments, Edit, Add Filters and Effects and Create a New Music
- Export to Wave or MP3 files and Share your Music
- Create a Stand-alone file Contain Instruments, Systems, Rhythms …
- Filters: Volume/Pan, Octave/Key/Tune, Stereo Mixer, Band Pass, Compressor,
- Dynamic Amplify, Echo, Equalizer, Flanger, Notch, Parametric Eq, Phaser, Pitch Scale, 3D Sound, Treble Enhancer, True Bass
- Effects: Key Repeat (like Sitar), Key Connection (like Guitar),
- Frequency Shake (like Violin), Volume/Pan Shake
- More than 1000 High-Quality Instruments and Rhythms
- Intelligent Pedal
- and more …
Oinsa atu halimar?

- Kor Kinur: Chord/Key/Kunci: ZXCVBNM,./
- Kor de Roza: Melody: QWERTYUIOP[]\1234567890-=
- Kor Matak: Variations
- Intro: F2, F3, F4
- Variation: F5, F6, F7, F8
- Fill: F9, F10, F11
- Break: Ctrl+F9
- Ending: Ctrl+F10, Ctrl+F11, Ctrl+F12
- Start
- Stop
- Start/Stop: F1
- Fade In/Out: End
- Installer: Windows
- Download Music Data: By Genre
- Bele download SET sira iha youtube (search 'set org 2020')
- Official website: www.sofeh.com
- Download Full Set iha nee : Full Set ONBTL 1.3GB